Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)


Before you access and use this web site, please read these terms of use.

By accessing and using Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry's web site you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree, to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this web site.

The content of this web site is owned by Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry. (later CARF). All rights are reserved. The content of this web site can freely be used for non-commercial purposes and as long as the content is been used without compromising CARF's reputation and when the source is been mentioned. Altering the content is prohibited. The club committee reserves rights to contribute member contact information to a 3rd party for marketing purposes. Club member can deny his/her contact distribution or usage in his/her membership form in the registry.

The content of this web site may be used "as is" basis only, without any guarantee of its content. CARF does not ensure that this web site nor the server on which the site is, contain viruses nor any other harmfull items.

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