Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Cuore Sportivo III Motopark - CHANGED
01.08.2009, Saturday, starting at 11:00, duration 7

Place: Motoparkintie 62, 77330 PIEKSÄNMAA (Motopark, Virtasalmi)
Contact: Sami Halme 0400-355400

Circuit reserved from 11.00 to 18.00
More detailed agenda later, Alfacup.

How to get there:
Motoparkin moottorirata sijaitsee Virtasalmen ja Juvan välissä
Ajoaika Turusta 4-5 tuntia, Tampereelta 2-3 tuntia ja Helsingistä 3-4 tuntia