Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Winter Driving Practice 2022 - Harviala (with SUA)
12.02.2022, Saturday, starting at 10:00, duration 6 hours

Place: Pukinpellontie 120, 13330 Harviala
Contact: Auli Paananen 040 573 0381

Practicing driving in winter conditions on closed track at Harviala IceRange. Welcome are members of SUA and CARF. Track fee is 20,- per person, in cash, so please reserve even sum for the payment.

Covid-19 exceptions: Use mask outside your car and secure distance to other persons. Also note that there is no open fire or grill possibilities, so wear warm clothes.

Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry. Hyvinkää/Finland on 25.2.2017 "Winter driving practice" - Talviajoharjoittelua. Kuvannut/Filmed and edited by Marko Kuningas

How to get there: